R9 290x crossfire mining bitcoins

r9 290x crossfire mining bitcoins

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AMD R9 290x and AMD R9 290 running crossfire on 3M 50cm rieser cable
's in crossfire (2x) have heat issues. Quadfire notoriously scales terribly. R9 X*2 should have more upside. I'd recommend at least. R9 X at $ - $ on Newegg EDIT: NOW $ crossfire setups for everybody! Fouquin Mining Nvidia and AMD have switched places. CYBERPOWERPC Unveils MEGA MINER Coin Mining PC Series Hmm well if your doing Litecoins, which is all you really can do at this point bitcoins.
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Bitcoin mining in crossfire. Chips should all be ready to use and mounted on their BGA substrates to be heatsinked for testing. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Format the drive. VULC Replies.